Logo Lindquist Systems Group

Time-Frequency Analysis

Description: Study of time-freqency concepts.  Use of two-dimensional 
        transforms to further characterize one-dimensional signals.

Textbook:  Leon Cohen, Time-Frequency Analysis, Prentice-Hall, NY, 1995.
Reference: IEEE International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale
        Analysis, IEEE Press, NY, 1992.  (Publ. TH4788 or ISBN 0-7803-0805-0)

     Chapter                 Topic

        1       Time and Frequency Description of Signals:

        2       Instantaneous Frequency and the Complex Signal:

        3       Uncertainty Principle:

        4       Densities and Characteristic Functions:

        5       The Need for Time-Frequency Analysis:

        6       Time-Frequency Distributions and Concepts:

        7-8     Short-Time Fourier Transform and Wigner Distribution:

        9       General Approach and the Kernal Method:

        10      Characteristic Function Operator Method:

        11      Kernel Design for Reduced Interference:

        12-13   Some Distributions and Further Developments:

        14      Positive Distributions Satisfying the Marginals:

        15      Representation of Signals:

        16      Density of a Single Variable:

        17      Joint Representations for Arbitrary Variables:

        18-19   Scale and Joint Scale Representations:

Project: Design, analyze, and test time-frequency algorithms to 
	characterize standard library signals.

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